CF Houston WOD (January 31, 2009)
Workout of the Day (WOD):
5 Deadlifts (250#)
5 Slamballs (50#)
Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 10 minutes.
CF Houston WOD (January 30, 2009)
Workout of the Day (WOD):
4 Rounds
5 Curtis P's
10 Burpees
15 Air Squats
(1 Curtis P = 1 Hang Squat Clean, Left Leg Lunge (bar remians in the rack position), Right Leg Lunge, Push Press. Here is a little background on Curtis P.)
Wanna sweet talk a CF Houston chick? You better bring your A game...and track shoes. Sprints after the 150 Burpee WOD.
CF Houston WOD (January 28, 2009)
Workout of the Day (WOD):
150 Burpees
For time.
Burpees are great for business trips and vacations because you're already packing all that's needed in your God-given birthday suit. Click here for an explination of a burpee.
CF Houston WOD (January 27, 2009)
Workout of the Day:
With a continuously running clock, do 1 Squat (Dudes-65#/Chicks-45#) the 1st minute, 2 Squats the 2nd minute, 3 Squats the 3rd minute, and so on until you are unable to complete the required Squats in the allocated minute.
Same format as yesterday all except your legs get invited to the party this time.
The 65# gorilla jumping on Carlos somewhere around rep 250. If you complete 25 rounds, you've done 325 squats for a total of over 21,000#.
CF Houston WOD (January 26, 2009)
Workout of the Day:
With a continuously running clock, do 1 pull up the 1st minute, 2 pull ups the 2nd minute, 3 pull ups the 3rd minute, and so on until you are unable to complete the required pull ups in the allocated minute.
If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough...keep those calluses shaved down...
CF Houston WOD (January 23, 2009)
5 Rounds
7 Thrusters (Dudes-135#/Chicks-95#)
7 Box Jumps (30"/24")
7 Burpees
This is what we like to call a "Heavy MetCon"...go heavy, go hard, go fast. This is definately a time to test yourself, but be smart and scale if needed. The goal for a Heavy MetCon is to go as heavy as possible and keep your times under and around 10 minutes.
Just a quick note about the picture: Lisa is notorious for taking/posting the worst possible pictures of people on the CF Houston site...guess I'm the latest victim x2. So enjoy a laugh at my expense...yuk it up Chuckles...
CF Houston WOD (January 22, 2009)
5 Rounds
Shoulder Press (30 seconds)
Air Squats (30 seconds)
5 Rounds
Push Press (30 seconds)
Air Squats (30 seconds)
Prescribed weight for dudes-95#/chicks-65#. Knock out as many reps as possible in the 30 second blocks.
After the WOD from hell yesterday and then this today...good luck finding a spot on your body that doesn't hurt in the morning. Check out more of the aftermath from yesterday (keep in mind that one of these dudes is a SWAT officer, 2 of them are Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers, and the one in the back runs marathons for sh**s and giggles).
CF Houston WOD (January 21, 2009)
6 Rounds
400m Run
Max Pull Ups
2 minute rest
As soon as you let go of the pull up bar, the round is over and your 2 minute rest begins. Log the run time and # of pull ups each round.
So you wake up one morning and things are justperfect, couldn't be better...peachy. Birds are chirping, the sun is out, fra la la, ladies are in spaghetti straps (sorry, that's my thing...spaghetti straps signal the end of winter and I hate winter). You think to yourself, "Self, things are just too awesome, I think I'll knock myself down a notch or two". Look no further my sick, sadistic friends...this WOD is the fly in your soup. And the gorilla pretty much sums up my feelings about this little peach of a WOD...
CF Houston WOD (January 19, 2009)
Max Push Press
Scroll through the bands on your iPod and find something hard and heavy (Rage Against the Machine, 50 Cent, whatever blows your hair back) because its a hard, heavy, see what your body is capable of day. This is not for time so rest as needed in between sets. Your last set of 3 should be max effort, balls to the wall and straight primal with screams, cursing, and local motivation. Check out the concentration on my girl Lupe (a grandmother that can do pull ups) as she locks out 100lbs overhead. And I used to think getting smacked with a fly-swatter by my grandma was bad, this lady could do some damage...
And then there was the Cool Down:
Kettlebell Swings (Dudes-55#, Chicks-25#)
For time.
Sittin' on the dock of the Bay...
Watching the tide roll away, Ooo, I'm just sittin' on the dock of the bay...Wastin' time...
Only 4 and a half more months until CrossFit Spartanburg shakes itself to life! If you need to burn some time between now and June, check out what we are doing over at CrossFit Houston or take a look at the main CrossFit site. Then again, maybe you just want to sit back with Otis Redding's jam on repeat and wait on June to get here...wouldn't suggest it...but hey, its your world...